If you run a small business that isn’t yet equipped to take card payments, choosing a contract-free card machine could be the best decision for your business. If demand for card payments in your business is untested, pay-as-you-go options can save you money while you work out the best long-term options for your business. Let’s take a look at five reasons why contract-free payment terminals can help your business transition to card payments this year.
1. Save yourself money
If you run a small business that hasn’t offered card payment options before, it’s difficult to know in advance how popular card payments will be. Choosing contract-free card machines to begin with can save you money while you’re working out how much demand for card payments your business actually has, and can save your business money in the long run if demand is low.
2. Reduce pressure on your business
If you run a small business, it’s likely to be touch-and-go whether contract card machines are ever really worth your investment. Opting for a PAYG card machine eases the pressure on your business and means that you can offer your customers the option of paying by card without having to commit to an expensive monthly contract.
3. Take your time before locking in
For some of our customers, PAYG terminals are a stop-gap on the way to a contract. If you want to offer your customers convenience and accessibility today but you don’t want to rush into a contract before you’ve done your research, get started with MultiPay contract-free payment machines and take your time before locking yourself into a contract.
4. Get set up straight away
If you feel like you’ve waited long enough to get started with card payments, you’ll be happy to hear that PAYG card terminals are quick and easy to set up. They offer the most efficient way to introduce card payments to your customers with less paperwork and minimal costs when compared to contract terminals.
5. Enjoy scalability
If your business is still in the ‘growth’ stage, it can be hard to know what kind of contract to lock yourself into because your customer base is still growing. PAYG payment terminals give you the space to grow your business without worrying about choosing the most efficient contract and enable you to focus on business development and growth when it’s most important.
Who are MultiPay?
MultiPay Merchant Services is a payment solutions company that offers pay-as-you-go services to small and medium businesses including payment terminals and merchant accounts. With MultiPay pay as you go contactless payment solutions, you can offer your customers contactless card payments at a cost of £0 per month for a commission of 0.5% on debit cards, 1% on credit cards, and 3p per transaction.
If you’d like to know more about MultiPay’s payment solutions, call our dedicated customer service team today on [insert number] to find out how we can help you to streamline your business and increase sales.